
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Special prescription of old granny for stomach

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Asslamo Alikum, Respected Hakeem sahib! I am sending you some prescriptions these are our tested prescriptions.

First prescription is of stomach which is a spice. My mother used to make it and believe me it had amazing results for stomach, liver and all kinds of pains, even diarrhea or stomach aches whether you are hungry or you do not feel like eating. Even if whole system was ruined due to gas, have sour burps then this spice was unbelievable.

My mother first used to make it for house and whenever in family someone had a problem of stomach or belly we used to take it and eat it.

My mother has a friend who goes in a house to teach Chapters of Quran. Student had a problem of stomachache. They are very rich and they had a problem in stomach and they went to a lot of doctors and they got unbelievable results. Their sister had arrived from Dubai she also had a problem of stomach and liver. When she ate it then she took all of them and asked her sister that please arranges more for her.

This time mother made six to seven kilos and people took it from their hands. Now we have only 250 grams left. . My brother did not like to eat food. Mother made Him eat it persuasively and after two days he got really hungry even though he used to spend even two, two days without eating before.

The brother younger than him had the problem of acne on his face he started taking spice early in morning and before going to bed and it has finished acne.There are a lot of other incidences and he who ever uses it praises it.

Now the prescription is as follows.

Leaves of sana, Equal to two spoons, Ajwan one chitank, Zeera one chitank, Neem less than one chitank, Big hareer one chitank, Small hareer one chitank, Sumandri jhaag one chitank, Black salt, White salt half chitank both, Dry mint, two spoons sea salt 

Salts of four kinds, fennel seeds two table spoon, ammonium chloride (noshadar) two tablets, baking powder one table spoon, few lemon seeds and 10 seeds of black pepper, sanna leaves, cumin seeds and  ajowan caraway (ajwain in urdu) wash and dry all the ingredients then add the pulp of herer and its seed, grind them altogether .

Instructions to use: 1/2 teaspoon with warm water on an empty stomach in morning. For regular use to treat stomach ache, constipation dose may be increased to 1 teaspoon. People suffering from constipation may add ½ teaspoon of (psyllium husk) ispaghol husk Very effective for the treatment of piles too.

Useful for Dentistry: Grind pink alum and mix few drops of vinegar of Indian black plum (jamun) and apply on the teeth to cure all the problems like bleeding, inflammation of gums.

My grandfather was used to use this and gave to many people. One day my mother’s friend came. I offered meal to her. She told me that her teeth are too weak to eat. Her age is about 35 years. She asked tip from my grandfather and used it. Believe me! I became astonish when she came after a few days and told me that the pain is vanished completely.

Healthy body: 2 bananas in 250 ml of milk and fenugreek (methi) to taste. Blend them well to cure black jaundice, heat stroke and loss of appetite.

To gain weight, take 2 bananas in yoghurt for few weeks. It has outstanding results. My friend and her sister were very weak physically. My mother told them to use this. Now everyone gets astonish by seeing them that how you got healthy!

Bed Wetting:  Use water remains of kneaded flour for 7 days in any time of the day. It’s very effective to cure bladder diseases as well. My younger brother was used to bed wetting. From the day, we used this tip, his decease vanished.

My brother who was to admit in a mental hospital is doing ICS: My younger brother was born mentally retarded. He was abnormal up to 80%.He afraid of studying and legged behind in everything. My father and grandfather said, he should be admitted to mental hospital. But my mother strived for him a lot. Psychiatrists kept him on sleeping pills .My mother put her all efforts on him. She had read a practice from a book of supplications, Hasan Husain. She did that and today my brother is intelligent than all the other boys. MashaAllah, He is doing ICS in Maths, Physics and Computer.

He has that much mined that people become astonish that how (A) is used to do something that even we couldn’t think of. Following is the method: Recite Surah I Fatihah thrice, spit the gathered saliva in the mouth during the recitation at the abnormal child. Do the same for three days in the morning and evening. Whenever my mother had done this, my brother got fine for three months. My brother became alright by doing this for some time, he is the most intelligent today, Alhamdulillah.

Secret of my life: When I was in class 7, I had a friend who was very intelligent and secured first position in the board. Now she is a doctor. Whenever someone enquires about her exam papers, she always replied: It went good, Alhamdulillah. Once I replied “it went well”.She asked me why don’t you reply “Alhamdulillah”? Since then I started uttering the same. Believe me, I was among the average students of the class and  now I have completed my Master’s in English and B.Ed .By the grace of uttering “Alhamdulillah” since class 9th to M.A, I was one of the outstanding student of the class.

Now I go to madrassa and am in the level “Adadiah”. It’s very easy over there as well. If I only read anything once, it I remembered alhamdolillah and if repeat it thrice then Alhamdulillah I never forget. Believe me! I give very short time to my studies but get very good marks. By the virtue of uttering Alhamdulillah, Allah almighty has increased my memorization power and self confidence. Now I have secured a position in the English speech competition. My classmate of grade 6 was also in the college with me. She saw me after many years. She would say I can’t believe that you are now on this high position in the studies. Other old class mates would also ask me that how I would have become so bright. This is the blessing of saying Alhamdolillah. It is a unique gift to all the students and the secret of my life’s success. Allah says “You will be blessed more if you are thankful” (Areej khan Faisal abad)












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